The park location, size and establishment
The “Chełmy” Landscape Park is located in the Western Sudetes, in the eastern part of the Kaczawskie Foothills, it lies in the Jawor’s and Złotoryja’s poviats.
It was established in 1992, its surface area is 15 990 hectares. It stands out with its landscape value with unique relics of volcanic activity.
Geological structure, flora and fauna
Despite not very high hills, the park is characterised by varied terrain. Gorges and deep stream valleys often resemble rocky canyons. Across the whole territory, there are greenschist rocks, but also basalt cones, flood basalts and stone runs.
Over a half of the park surface area is covered with deciduous forests. The most precious plants growing in the protected area include oak forests Sorbo torminalis-Quercetum which in Poland occur only in the Kaczawskie Foothills. The park is a habitat of many animals, among others mouflon which is at the same time the Park’s symbol, spotted salamander, black stork or 22 bat species
Within the park, there are 5 nature reserves:
The most popular natural monuments include the Czartowska Rock or the Small Myśliborskie Organ.
Tourist trails, viewing points and attractions
The area has distinctive landscape values, marked thanks to a large number of points and observation towers present on Radogost, Bazaltowa Mountain or Mszana.
Within the park, there is a developed network of tourist, cycling trails and nature didactic trails. One of such attractions is gnomon in Muchów, located at the intersection of the parallel with the meridian. In Myślibórz, there is Environmental Education Center “Salamandra”