Chrośnica, a village of colorful threads, is a unique place where extraordinary histories intertwine amidst the Kaczawskie Hills, reaching back to the 12th century. It was in this place that the idea of creating the Ecomuseum of Weaving and Natural Dyeing was born, where relics such as old tools related to the cultivation and processing of flax, natural dyeing, and handicraft tools associated with weaving are collected. The museum also houses documents, chronicles, and photographs that tell the history of the village and the region. Above all, it is a “living” creative and educational space where we explore colorful threads and share them, creating unique things and moments.
We invite you to visit the world of colourful threads:
Monika Wizła-Kubiak – a passionate advocate for natural dyeing and flax, co-founder of the Ecomuseum of Weaving and Natural Dyeing,
Joanna Wojtko – animator and educator, the creator of the Book Cabinet,
Andrzej Andrzejewski – artist, painter and sculptor, co-founder of the Ecomuseum od Weaving and Natural Dyeing,
for weaving and natural dyeing workshops which are prepared for all age groups.